The Netflix documentary “Modern Masters: SS Rajamouli” delves into the life of the acclaimed filmmaker SS Rajamouli, highlighting his passion for cinema and his unique perspective as an atheist who infuses his films with mythological elements. The documentary features personal anecdotes, including a harrowing account of a road accident involving Rajamouli and his wife Rama Rajamouli, a frequent collaborator and costume designer on his films. Despite his atheism, Rajamouli’s dedication to his craft stands as a central theme. The documentary also includes insights from his father, Vijayendra Prasad, emphasizing the respect he holds for Rajamouli’s moral integrity and atheistic beliefs. Directed by Raghav Khanna and produced by Applause Entertainment and Film Companion Studios, the documentary premiered on Netflix on August 2.
5 Major Key Points
- Insight into SS Rajamouli’s Life and Beliefs: The documentary explores Rajamouli’s identity as an atheist and his incorporation of mythological elements in his films.
- Personal Anecdote of a Tragic Accident: Rajamouli recalls a severe road accident involving his wife Rama during the filming of “Magadheera,” highlighting his reliance on practical actions over prayer.
- Professional Partnership: Rama Rajamouli’s role as a costume designer in all of Rajamouli’s blockbuster films, including the Baahubali series and RRR, is featured.
- Family Dynamics and Respect: Rajamouli’s father, Vijayendra Prasad, discusses the respect he has for his son’s atheism despite their spiritual family background.
- Documentary Production Details: “Modern Masters: SS Rajamouli” is produced by Applause Entertainment and Film Companion Studios, directed by Raghav Khanna, and premiered on Netflix on August 2.